Katrin Macmillan

ACL 063: Katrin Macmillan

Katrin Macmillan is the founder of a human rights organization called Projects for All. An innovative project called “Project Hello World” is helping to connect and bring education to millions of children without traditional resources.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Katrin shares about:

  • the goals of Projects for All, and specifically what her organization is trying to accomplish with Project Hello World;
  • deficits that she sees in traditional education models, and how Project Hello World is addressing them;
  • how her original training in theatre became an ideal fit for working in the non-profit sector;
  • wrestling up the confidence to shift the trajectory of her life;
  • pushing up against a “fictional sense of meritocracy” and embracing the “joy of being useful”
  • seeking balance between her work and other parts of her life, particularly with respect to her family; and
  • discovering that the most authentic times of her life have actually been the times when she encountered the most resistance.

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