Derek Diedricksen

ACL 066: Derek Diedricksen

Derek “Deek” Diedricksen is a builder of tiny homes, a musician, an artist – and exemplifies not putting people into boxes. He is a host of HGTV’s “Tiny House Builders” and the author of Microshelters: 59 Creative Cabins, Tiny Houses, Tree Houses, and Other Small Structures.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Deek shares about:

  • building a multi-faceted life composed of the things he loves;
  • creation in many forms: building, writing, music;
  • dealing with the fact that people will inevitably complain and criticize;
  • following your instincts about how to invest your time and energy;
  • choosing “Option B.”

Links from the Show


Coming soon!
Tara Bryne

ACL 065: Tara Byrne

Tara Byrne is a serial entrepreneur who had some unique “unschooling” educational experiences, and is the founder of Under 30 Changemakers, a support network for young entrepreneurs.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Tara shares about:

  • how breaking into a church led to an unexpected change of plans for her life;
  • how unschooling taught her that failure itself was a great instructor;
  • engaging in non-traditional education that set her on a path for social entrepreneurship and making business meaningful;
  • learning to accept personal responsibility and become the artist of her own life;
  • the paradox that the things that “should” have been successful weren’t, and vice versa;
  • developing a sense of detachment and learning that quitting was different from giving up;
  • understanding that people are a business’ greatest asset, and focusing on self care.

Links from the Show

Related Episode

ACL 054: Victor Saad


Coming soon!
Jacob Sokol

ACL 064: Jacob Sokol

Jacob Sokol had all the trappings of a successful life in New York City but longed for passion and purpose. So he set off to find it, and deliberately and consciously designed the kind of life he was enthusiastic about. He ended up creating Sensophy, a blog that chronicled his journey and evolved into a business helping others live extraordinary lives.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Jacob shares about:

  • the meaning and mission behind Sensophy;
  • a sense of disbelief in first grade in the rules of success in the world;
  • going through the motions of his career, but feeling shame about not being enough;
  • recognizing that the pain of staying the same was worse than the fear of the unknown;
  • a “ladder of consciousness,” the dangerous place in the middle, and taking ownership of our lives;
  • the essential scaffolding of taking care of ourselves;
  • when we feel at our best, we perform at our best;
  • being willing to be “more you than is socially acceptable.”
  • challenging that voice saying “Who am I to do this?”

Links from the Show


Coming soon!
Katrin Macmillan

ACL 063: Katrin Macmillan

Katrin Macmillan is the founder of a human rights organization called Projects for All. An innovative project called “Project Hello World” is helping to connect and bring education to millions of children without traditional resources.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Katrin shares about:

  • the goals of Projects for All, and specifically what her organization is trying to accomplish with Project Hello World;
  • deficits that she sees in traditional education models, and how Project Hello World is addressing them;
  • how her original training in theatre became an ideal fit for working in the non-profit sector;
  • wrestling up the confidence to shift the trajectory of her life;
  • pushing up against a “fictional sense of meritocracy” and embracing the “joy of being useful”
  • seeking balance between her work and other parts of her life, particularly with respect to her family; and
  • discovering that the most authentic times of her life have actually been the times when she encountered the most resistance.

Links from the Show


Coming soon!
Jason Zook

ACL 062: Jason Zook

Jason Zook personifies reinvention and unconventional thinking: he has worn T-shirts for a living, sold his last name twice, and is now literally selling his future. The author of Creativity for Sale, Jason helps people see beyond boundaries, chart their own life paths, and turn unique talents into opportunities.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Jason shares about:

  • trusting your gut about the path you’re on,
  • creating your own luck,
  • his recurring mantras about hard work and consistency,
  • giving ourselves permission to take a step forward without hiding behind research,
  • the challenge of consumption versus creation, and realigning our values,
  • how his own core values that guide the life and business decisions he makes,
  • behind the scenes of his latest project, detailing the process he has taken from concept to launch, and
  • focusing on delivering value, and being aware of what brings you value.

Links from the Show

Related Episode

ACL 019: Pamela Slim


Coming soon!
Belden Lane

ACL 061: Belden Lane

Belden Lane is a teacher, author, storyteller, and theologian who explores the deep connection between nature and spirituality, and in particular the threads between those topics and men’s spirituality work.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Belden shares about:

  • discovering his love of nature as a young child,
  • the yearning for wilderness in the middle part of life,
  • getting out of your own head, and embracing being a “recovering scholar,”
  • the many different lessons that nature has to teach us,
  • his own “calling story” that led him to accepting the mantle of being a storyteller,
  • reflections about accepting the names we are given,
  • dealing with “false self” issues of impression management, the letters behind our name, and tiring of the masks we wear,
  • the “true self” disciplines that now bring him joy in this stage of his life.

Links from the Show

Belden’s books:

Belden’s “Last Lecture” presentation at Saint Louis University:


Coming soon!
Andy Hayes

ACL 060: Andy Hayes

Andy Hayes Andy went from a lucrative career in enterprise software development and consulting to found a company called Plum Deluxe, whose philosophy is helping you create moments that matter.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Andy shares about:

  • working in a toxic work environment, and realizing that “the biggest risk was staying where I was,”
  • re-engaging with core desires as an antidote to urgency and stress,
  • coping with fears around change, especially money and disapproval from others,
  • being willing to “build the plane while I was flying it,”
  • mindfulness about what you’re saying yes and no to,
  • using time tracking to increase awareness of how you’re spending time,
  • infusing a business with your core values, and operating consistently with those,
  • how his mom’s perspective on living informed the kind of community he wanted to build.

Links from the Show


Coming soon!
Dianne Bischoff James

ACL 059: Dianne Bischoff James

Dianne Bischoff James found herself challenged by a “midlife reboot” in confronting the truth that she had built a life that she wasn’t truly proud of. She chronicles her journey of reinvention and distills the practical lessons she learned in a book titled The Real Brass Ring: Change Your Life Course Now.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Dianne shares about:

  • realizing that she felt like a liar when describing herself inauthentically,
  • coming to grips with fear, and learning to turn it into an asset,
  • coping with fear of rejection, isolation from her tribe, and pushing through to acceptance,
  • “logical mysticism” and distilling her learning into rules for happy living,
  • a reminder that “someone’s got to do the laundry,”
  • living out the principle that we ultimately have the choice to create the lives we want.

Links from the Show


Coming soon!
Stephanie Trager

ACL 058: Stephanie Trager

Stephanie Trager draws on a wide array of life experiences ranging from activism, law, martial arts, 9/11, and a serious injury and parlays that into entrepreneurship and transformation coaching.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Stephanie shares:

  • being drawn to activism as a young adult, and how that has influenced her perspective on life,
  • the process of “waking up” and developing an increased sense of awareness,
  • her motivation behind deciding to go to law school and become an attorney,
  • the impact that an ongoing martial arts practice has had on her personal journey,
  • two major events outside of her control that changed her life.

Links from the Show

Stephanie is offering A Congruent Life listeners a complementary “Soul Success Strategy Session” to help you connect to your passion – thanks, Stephanie!


Coming soon!
Andrew Newman

ACL 057: Andrew Newman

Wondering what he could do to help disaster-impacted people in Haiti, Andrew Newman started asking others on the street for poems to share. Little did he know at the time that “poemcatching” would take him around the world and result in several anthologies of collected poems.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Andrew shares pieces of his story, including:

  • how he was motivated to start poemcatching,
  • veering away from several generations of a family-owned business,
  • discovering that he was, in fact, a creative person, and what that means for all of us,
  • advice for tapping into our creativity and “unfolding” our own creative visions,
  • the impact that men’s work and spiritual questing has had on his personal journey,
  • embracing mission as a larger framework for life beyond goals and tasks.

Links from the Show

  • Poemcatcher website – please submit your own poem here!

Poem anthologies:

Andrew’s children’s books:


Coming soon!
Stephanie St.Claire

ACL 056: Stephanie St.Claire

After encountering an unexpected “plot twist” in her life, Stephanie St.Claire reinvented herself to support others experiencing heartbreak and loss.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Stephanie shares insights gleaned from her reinvented life, including:

  • how crises of health or money often help us uncover personal authenticity,
  • why living an interesting life is itself a new form of currency,
  • becoming an expert at saying no, so that she can say a bigger yes,
  • learning to know love and connection, and to live not just for self,
  • embracing a philosophy of living agelessly,
  • choosing to approach work with a philosophy of play and creation,
  • analogies between a business and an intimate relationship,
  • moving from standing against something to standing for something, and asking important questions about legacy.

Links from the Show


Coming soon!
Gary Hirsch

ACL 055: Gary Hirsch

Gary Hirsch is an artist and co-founder of On Your Feet, which improves organizational dynamics and teaches business skills through principles of improv. He is also the driving force behind Botjoy, a project to spread joy and courage throughout the world with an army of hand-painted robots.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Gary shares great stories and insights that weave between the worlds of art and business, including:

  • how the principles of improv can improve the way that people interact in teams,
  • a key lesson that has stuck with him that “sometimes you just have to play,”
  • experimentation and being curious,
  • embracing a creative process where someone else finishes the narrative,
  • why he wants other people to “steal” his ideas,
  • getting out of the way to allow your creation to flourish in unexpected ways, and
  • learning to check ego, press the “pause” button, and be present in the moment.

Links from the Show


Coming soon!
Victor Saad

ACL 054: Victor Saad

Victor Saad decided to take his education into his own hands and handcraft a unique personal educational experience called the “Leap Year Project.” He is now crystallizing his vision for reinventing education by building a new school called the Experience Institute.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Victor discusses his thoughts about customized experiential education, including:

  • his personal journey that led him to rethink pursuing a traditional MBA program,
  • developing a personal “Leap Year Project” that valued experience and connection over content,
  • lessons learned from selecting experiences, financing the project, and asking for help,
  • inspiring thoughts about what he values “if I started a school…”
  • lessons learned, and a compelling vision for an alternative educational approach called the Experience Institute,
  • how authenticity and individuality plays into reinvention.

Links from the Show


Coming soon!
Eric Proulx

ACL 053: Erik Proulx

After unexpectedly losing his job as an advertising executive, Erik Proulx embraced documentary film-making, and made a compelling film called Lemonade about several people who – in Erik’s words – lost their jobs and discovered their callings.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Erik shares reflections about his journey as a creative professional, including:

  • learning to separate who you are from what you do,
  • perspective on making inspiration actionable,
  • not knowing how to accomplish a vision, but trusting that the necessary help will show up when it’s needed,
  • paying attention to the inner voice that urges us to pursue a significant project,
  • learning not to simply swap one identity for another, but rather embracing that the sum of our experiences make us who we are.

Links from the Show

Related Episodes


Transcript for ACL 053: Erik Proulx
Diane Allen

ACL 052: Diane Allen

Diane Allen has been a professional violinist for decades, and is now drawing on her experience in the music world to empower women to become more confident communicators.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Diane shares stories about how her music career has intertwined with her personal journey, including:

  • the perseverance and hard work needed to make it as a musician, and that talent didn’t come easy,
  • insights that she’s gained and shared as a music teacher,
  • how getting involved in Toastmasters brought new skills and fresh enthusiasm into her life,
  • learning to stretch her business in new ways, and to grow in new directions,
  • the value of coaching to serve as an external mirror for personal insight,
  • being aware of energetic pulls, waking up early, and excitement for projects,
  • how she wants to leverage her experience to be of service in the world.

Links from the Show

Diane is also extending an offer for some free coaching to A Congruent Life listeners: just contact Diane, and let her know you found her on A Congruent Life!

Eloquent Expression Coaching certificate

Eloquent Expression Coaching certificate


Coming soon!
Jared Seide

ACL 051: Jared Seide

Jared Seide facilitates increased cooperation, empathy, and understanding within groups through his work at Center for Council, spanning circles as diverse as schools, businesses, service organizations, participants in social conflicts, and prisons.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Jared shares stories from his personal journey with Council work, including:

  • how his background in dramatic arts and quest for storytelling led him to Hollywood, where he became disillusioned about the lack of authenticity,
  • how the aftermath of the LA riots allowed his daughter to discover her voice in a surprising way,
  • how the concepts of Council are old and comfortable across cultures and backgrounds, and simple in principle but deep in practice,
  • the ancient elements and simple intentions of holding Council,
  • the effects of Council work in Rwandan genocide healing and prison populations,
  • the impact that this work has had on his personal journey and perspectives on living authentically.

Links from the Show


Coming soon!
Heather Thorkleson

ACL 050: Heather Thorkelson

Heather Thorkelson calls herself an Architect of Freedom, working with others to carve their own path, conquer “comparisonitis,” and create successful, meaningful businesses that support their lives.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Heather shares stories about:

  • developing resilience from living abroad at an early age,
  • the danger of comparing ourselves to others, and strategies for addressing that,
  • tapping into our personal “genius work” that gives us energy and meaning,
  • the critical distinction between self esteem and self worth,
  • finding courage to change situations that are not congruent with our values,
  • acknowledging that years in a corporate job had dulled her senses, and being patient to rediscover a sense of aliveness,
  • constructing a business to support her life, rather than the other way around, and
  • walking her talk by being willing to pause her business to pursue an adventure in Antarctica.

Links from the Show


Coming soon!
Emilie Cortes

ACL 049: Emilie Cortes

Emilie Cortes discovered that outdoor physical challenge provided an unexpected boost in her own self-confidence, and a balance to the stress of her high-powered career in the Bay Area. She ended up leaving her finance job to empower other women by leading them on outdoor adventure trips.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Emilie shares stories about:

  • being very successful in her career, “but not feeding my soul,”
  • the unexpected lesson she learned from hiking Half Dome: “nothing at the office is going to seem scary any more.”
  • how a physical injury created an extended opportunity for reevaluation of her life,
  • the value of a coach in developing clarity, and in catalyzing change,
  • the challenge – and benefit – of being willing to ask for help,
  • the restorative impact of being disconnected and immersing oneself in the natural world,
  • surprising herself with the power of visualization, even at a subconscious level, and
  • sharing the wisdom she’s learned about breaking down boundaries and not holding ourselves back.

Links from the Show

Emilie is offering a 10% discount on Call of the Wild’s Everest Base Camp trip for listeners that sign up before August 1; just mention A Congruent Life in the comments field when registering. And follow Call of the Wild on Facebook to learn about free local outings in Central Oregon.


Coming soon!
Danea Horn

ACL 048: Danea Horn

Danea Horn has had significant health challenges since birth, and has let illness become her teacher in profound ways. She wrote a book called Chronic Resilience to support others in being more self-compassionate during the stress of illness, and in a stunning act of love, recently received a kidney transplant from her husband on their 11th wedding anniversary.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Danea shares profound insights from her life journey, including:

  • learning at an early age that her chronic illness was not a burden,
  • changing her expectations about what her family would look like,
  • learning to be willing to truly grieve the things that she needed to let go of,
  • her direct experience with the power – and limitations – of positive thinking,
  • embarking on a book project to share her journey and the stories of other inspiring women,
  • receiving news of her kidney failure on the day of her book release,
  • the amazing gift she received from her husband, and her reflections on that experience, and
  • ultimately being compassionate about our own humanity.

Links from the Show


Coming soon!
John Bardos

ACL 047: John Bardos

John Bardos and his wife sold or gave away all their possessions in order to live a nomadic travelling lifestyle focused on contribution and connection.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, John shares about:

  • gradually questioning common lifestyle beliefs in his own life,
  • how a “short trip” to Japan ended up lasting 13 years,
  • creating a clear intention with his wife, and setting a one-year plan to accomplish it,
  • his strong focus on contribution and connection in his travels,
  • the perspective he has gained on abundance, lack, and simplification,
  • the self-imposed stress that we create by worrying about money,
  • how awareness of the balance between giving and taking has made him more conscious of his environmental footprint,
  • discovering ways to be of service even without particular expertise in a given area, and
  • reducing suffering by being present in the moment.

Links from the Show

John recently shared a guest post on A Congruent Life: A Story of Human Trafficking. Learn more about The Human, Earth Project on documentary filmmaker Ben Randall’s website.


Coming soon!
Lydia Smith

ACL 046: Lydia Smith

Lydia Smith walked the Camino de Santiago at a pivotal time in her life, and felt called to create a documentary film called Walking the Camino in order to inspire people to follow their own path of discovery and transformation.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Lydia shares about:

  • deciding to walk the Camino de Santiago during a crossroads in her life,
  • her insight that everyone has their own pilgrimage to take, and that the “real Camino” starts at home,
  • taking a leap outside her comfort zone to direct her first feature-length film,
  • inspiration from the people that she chose to feature in the documentary,
  • persistence to stick with the multi-year film project, from filming to production to now promoting and sharing it,
  • dealing with the illusion that aligned work will be easy,
  • the importance of self-care,
  • letting go of judgement, and realizing that she was capable of so much more than she thought.

Links from the Show

Related Episodes


Coming soon!
Justin Cooke

ACL 045: Justin Cooke

Justin Cooke reinvented his own life in a way that basically amounted to convincing his boss to fire him, and then moving both his personal and professional life halfway around the world to the Philippines. He now is a partner in a successful business called Empire Flippers.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Justin shares his perspectives about the role of authenticity in business, including:

  • taking a risk to jump from his comfortable job in order to move to the Philippines,
  • questioning the wisdom he received about missing opportunities by being away from the United States,
  • leaning into his desire to explore and see the world,
  • the responsibility that he felt to his team as a business owner when times got tough,
  • seeing a business partnership as similar to a marriage, and the better decisions that can come as a result,
  • the challenge of going through “the dip,”
  • the congruence between business and personal relationships, and how personal integrity has a tangible business impact,
  • discovering that the most resonant creativity comes on the edge of discomfort.

Links from the Show

Justin is offering the A Congruent Life community a free copy of Justin and Joe Magnotti’s e-book, Building a Niche Site Empire – thanks Justin!

Related Episodes


Coming soon!
Berni Xiong

ACL 044: Berni Xiong

Depressed and unfulfilled by her job as a sales executive, Berni Xiong was asked a simple question that changed her world: “So what do you want to do when you grow up?” Berni decided to start living life on her own terms, and became “The Shin Kicking Life Spark.”

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Berni shares about:

  • feeling empty when everything seemed ideal with her career, relationship, and son,
  • the simple question that caused her to re-evaluate her life, and a followup challenge that rocked her perspective,
  • learning to break away from limiting beliefs and become emotionally strong,
  • her experience of how life transitions can come at us sideways, and sometimes we only connect the dots in retrospect,
  • learning not to overcomplicate coaching, but simply trusting our learned lessons,
  • growing up without a sense of place, and the amazement that came with discovering the roots of her name,
  • leaning on the sum of our experiences to live an authentic life.

Links from the Show

Bernie is offering the A Congruent Life community $50 off select products at her store – thanks Berni!

Related Episodes


Coming soon!
Richie Norton

ACL 043: Richie Norton

The tragic deaths of his 10-week-old son and his brother-in-law shook Richie Norton and his family to their core, but their conscious response enabled them to turn tragedy into triumph. Richie wrote a compelling book, The Power of Starting Something Stupid, and helps people lean into their fears, make a difference, and live without regret.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Richie shares about:

  • the unthinkable experience of losing his son only 76 days into his life, and how his family responded to that experience,
  • learning to articulate what he calls “Gavin’s Law,”
  • being conscious about what he wants life to look like, and more importantly, asking “Why aren’t I doing that?”
  • the power behind “stupid,” and the three Ts of stupidity,
  • becoming more scared of not doing something than actually doing it,
  • wanting to live life to be like a worn-out pair of jeans,
  • learning to operationalize authenticity,
  • embracing our authentic self as a vision of what we can be.



Coming soon!
Tyson Adams

ACL 042: Tyson Adams

Tyson Adams left a well-paid sales job in Seattle, bought a one-way ticket to Asia, and had a “crazy” dream about importing coffee to finance community efforts in Laos. He has now built a successful social business called Jhai Coffeehouse that not only supports local coffee farmers, but also finances essential wells for clean water in Laos.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Tyson shares about:

  • deciding to leave his sales job and buy a one-way ticket to travel,
  • the spiritual awakening and subsequent dream that he had about using import proceeds for education in Laos,
  • learning about the wellness benefits of meditation and seeking out teachers in Asia,
  • the insight about being less afraid of the unknown than having the known come to an end,
  • learning to listen to his intuition to step outside his comfort zone and trust his internal compass,
  • some of the setbacks he experienced getting into the coffee business and doing business in an unfamiliar culture,
  • the experience of starting a nonprofit and seeking a sustainable source of funds,
  • embracing a “social business” model, in which the business is operated for profit, but the profits are dedicated to philanthropic goals.



Coming soon!
Farnoosh Brock

ACL 041: Farnoosh Brock

Farnoosh Brock had a very successful technical career with everything that she thought that she wanted, but yet she came to understand that it really wasn’t fulfilling in the way that she wanted, and she had the wherewithal to make changes that really did work better for her. She now works with her husband in her own company called Prolific Living.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Farnoosh shares about:

  • how growing up in Tehran and then emigrating taught her important lessons that she continues to apply to her life,
  • realizing that her Fortune 100 career with “everything right” didn’t truly provide the fulfillment that she was seeking,
  • learning to see her previous experience not as a waste, but making up the sum of who she is today,
  • recasting risk and fear as an adventure to be embraced,
  • the importance of rewiring her brain to think “the right way,” and how she did that,
  • some of the practical tools that she used to get in touch with what she wanted in life,
  • the alignment of her vision of her personal contribution with that of her life partner.



Coming soon!
John Bardos

A Story of Human Trafficking

Today I’m glad to welcome to our community John Bardos, who you may know on the Internet as “Jet Set Citizen.” John has been living abroad for over fifteen years now; he’s an amazingly down-to-earth guy who is living an authentic life of simplicity and service. I’m really looking forward to sharing our wonderful conversation on the A Congruent Life podcast very soon!

John has been dedicating a ton of energy into raising awareness about human trafficking, and in the meantime I’m glad to yield the virtual ACL floor to him to share his thoughts about that important issue! Go for it, John:

A Story of Human Trafficking

Perhaps you’ve encountered a girl like her, maybe during your travels or maybe down the street from where you live. A teenage girl with disarming charm and wit whose future you know is bound to be bright. M, as we shall call her, wears her love for her friends and family in her perennial smile. She enjoys meeting the people who travel through her village.

A Hmong girl from a remote hill tribe in northern Vietnam, M works after school at the local market, trying to earn money to contribute toward her family’s expenses. Perhaps the girl you know is similarly precocious and independent, inspiring in you a strange mixture of both admiration and concern.

That was the M that filmmaker and photography, Ben Randall, befriended before she was kidnapped in 2011. After he left Vietnam, Ben learned that M accepted a ride on a motorcycle from a local man whom she knew. She has not been seen by her loved ones since.

human trafficking story

Though we don’t know precisely what happened to her, it’s likely she was sold as a wife or prostitute into China, just across the border. This is a common threat to the Hmong population, a marginalized group in Vietnam, making them easy targets.

M’s story is one case of a human trafficking pandemic. According to Havoc Scope, there are 20.9 million people who, like M, have become commodities in the $32 billion human trafficking industry. What chance does weak law enforcement have to investigate a case like M’s? How could her friends and family, speaking only Hmong and never having left their local area, search for her?

Ben Randall is filming a documentary about his search for M in order to raise awareness about human trafficking.

Watch this video to learn more about the project.

Help support this critical human trafficking awareness project by sharing this video with your friends and making a small contribution to the campaign.

Find out how you can help on ‘The Human, Earth Project’ crowdfunding page.

Please take a moment to share the project on your favorite social media sites.

Share this Human Trafficking Story on Facebook Share this Human Trafficking Story on Twitter Share this Human Trafficking Story onGoogle Share this Human Trafficking Story on Pinterest

Thanks for helping to make a difference.

Ben Robinson

ACL 040: Ben Robinson

Ben Robinson and a couple of his friends decided to go surfing in each of the Seven Seas over two years, while helping to reduce teen suicide in their native Australia. They later made an inspiring and humorous documentary of their journey called 3 Mates 7 Seas.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Ben shares about:

  • how a surfing expedition turned into a project raising awareness of teen suicide,
  • both the trials and the learning that came from the trio spending so much time together on the road,
  • how dreams might not turn out as expected, but can turn into something even better,
  • what he learned from the young people that were following their progress,
  • problem solving skills and authenticity,
  • making space in life for passion projects that are separate from one’s job, and
  • tapping into motivation and purpose for large projects like the documentary film.


Want to watch the 3 Mates 7 Seas documentary? Leave a comment below about what you found most inspiring about the 3 Mates 7 Seas story! I’ll randomly select a commenter after January 31, 2014 and mail that person a free DVD of the film.


Coming soon!
Heather Strang

ACL 039: Heather Strang

Heather Strang discovered that surgery didn’t solve her health issues; instead she found herself on an amazing journey of healing, self-discovery, and new directions. She shares some great insights she gained the hard way about poverty, abundance, and self-worth.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Heather shares about:

  • the wake-up call that came from finding herself crying during her lunch hour,
  • the observation that she was making more money than ever but still living paycheck to paycheck,
  • her long-held beliefs about poverty and lack, and her inner work around abundance,
  • realizing that our relationship with money is linked to our relationship with ourselves,
  • what she did when surgery didn’t heal the tumor she’d developed,
  • being willing to get out of her own way, and
  • allowing her life to be guided in a direction that she never expected.


Heather is about to begin a sexual healing series for women on January 22; check it out here.


Coming soon!
Wes Chapman

ACL 038: Wesley Chapman

Wesley Chapman tried to commit suicide when he was four, was abandoned by his mother when he was six, and doctors said that his life was a hopeless cause when he was seven. A shining example of love and support changed the course of his life for some amazing successes in the world of business and entrepreneurship, and more importantly, profound insights into legacy and the human spirit.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Wesley shares about:

  • how he was forced to grow up quickly in the foster child system,
  • his grandmother providing an important counterbalance to the consistent messages that he was worthless,
  • crawling through a ditch as one of the most memorable acts of love in his life,
  • being inspired to control his own destiny at eight years old,
  • the importance of motivation and being aware of why we do what we do,
  • having faith in others as a testament to the human spirit,
  • investing our lives into things that really matter, and
  • moving beyond shame of his past to realizing that he has an important legacy to leave.



Coming soon!
Dino Dogan

ACL 037: Dino Dogan

Dino Dogan grew up in the middle of the Bosnia War and fled with a backpack, expecting to be away from home only a few days. Twenty years later he lives in the United States and is an entrepreneur, blogger, and podcaster.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Dino shares about:

  • his life as a teen in Bosnia during the war,
  • becoming a refugee, and taking trains to Sweden without knowing if they would be allowed to cross the border,
  • the corporate work that sustained him early in his career,
  • wanting to grow in new ways in becoming an entrepreneur,
  • the important lessons he learned from failed businesses,
  • the value of a partner to balance his weaknesses and strengths,
  • the key learning that desire is necessary but not sufficient to accomplish a big goal, and
  • how all of this has informed his core beliefs about business and the world.



Coming soon!
Owen Marcus

ACL 036: Owen Marcus

Owen Marcus is the author of a new book called Grow Up: A Man’s Guide to Masculine Emotional Intelligence. Owen shares about learning from dyslexia and Asperger’s Syndrome, and the very real ways that working with men’s groups has impacted him personally.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Owen shares his personal journey and the impact of men’s groups, including:

  • the sense of personal empowerment that came from learning about and actively working to heal dyslexia, Asperger’s, and ADHD,
  • the increased well-being he experienced through Rolfing,
  • his perspective of authenticity as alignment in many aspects of life,
  • atunement to personal energy as a gauge of direction, and fear as a necessary condition to move us forward,
  • why he believes so strongly in the power of micro-communities to support and challenge us,
  • the story behind Grow Up, and the impact that he wants the book to have.



Coming soon!
Mike Hrostoski

ACL 035: Mike Hrostoski

Mike Hrostoski had his world rocked when his mother died unexpectedly. He left his traditional corporate career and took a year off to focus on doing things that brought him joy: spending time with his brother and travelling around the United States doing volunteer work. He now spends his energy coaching high-performing men.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Mike shares the shift in his life’s direction, what he now values most, and how he helps men live more congruent lives, including:

  • how he started receiving inspiration from various sources about how his life could be different,
  • how his mother’s death galvanized his reinvention,
  • the importance of showing up fully,
  • taking risks of trying something new, and dealing with the fear that comes with that,
  • the similarities between love and business,
  • the core values of integrity, growth, and emotional intimacy,
  • authenticity as speaking your truth, including asking for what you want and being willing to say no,
  • taking personal responsibility for life’s direction and happiness.



Coming soon!
Greg Berg

ACL 034: Greg Berg

Greg Berg is the host of Radio Enso, an interview podcast sharing “Tools and Inspiration for Conscious Living.”

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Greg draws on his varied life experiences and lessons learned from his show and his guests, including:

  • pulling the best aspects from his various work experiences into a “mashup” of the work he truly wants to do,
  • learning from “false starts” and conscious reinvention,
  • the importance of asking questions and being aware of what lights you up,
  • taking risks of trying something new,
  • how being in a car accident as a young man still informs his life today,
  • the roots and motivation for a big project like Radio Enso,
  • embracing a little bit of fear to stretch creatively and expand your comfort zone,
  • conscious living and valuing authenticity.



Coming soon!
Amy Clover

ACL 033: Amy Clover

Amy Clover found herself mired in clinical depression, hit a breaking point, and reinvented her life from the inside out. She now helps others to move their own lives forward by harnessing fitness and positive action through Strong Inside Out.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Amy shares stories about:

  • “accidentally” embracing fitness as a path to emotional and mental healing,
  • discovering some of the beauty behind the struggle,
  • the epiphany she experienced about how her personal journey could be of service to others,
  • learning to develop her business over time so that she could increase her impact in the world,
  • embarking on “crazy” projects, like leading boot camps in cities across North America,
  • why she supports To Write Love on Her Arms,
  • finding inner strength to make a big jump, and trusting that a net will appear when needed,
  • how vulnerability and authenticity is a core of living congruently in the world.



Coming soon!
Illana Burk

ACL 032: Illana Burk

Illana Burk‘s dream of being a professional dancer was derailed by an accident on the eve of her big debut, forcing her to find a new passion and direction for her life.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Illana shares beautifully about embracing vulnerability and ultimately making it a core of her success, including:

  • her lengthy journey to discover a new life passion after leaving dancing behind,
  • learning to make peace with her limitations,
  • healing the adversarial relationship she had developed with her body, which she felt had failed her,
  • aligning her mental strength with the physical skills she had previously relied on,
  • how a character played by Melanie Griffith served as an early role model, which she later saw through,
  • how entrepreneurship provided an unexpected path to express her individuality while honoring her needs,
  • learning to see vulnerability not as a weakness, but as a strength,
  • working with people on a genuine level – “that’s where the good stuff is!”,
  • perspectives on transparency and fierce honesty with self, and
  • her vision and passion for democratizing business education.



Coming soon!
Sylvester Neal

ACL 031: Sylvester Neal

Sylvester Neal is a past president of Kiwanis International who spent his career in public service as a firefighter, airport security chief, and state fire marshal.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Sylvester shares interesting stories from his well-lived life, including:

  • attending an integrated high school in the 1950s, and how he never got into a fight,
  • what he learned when a restaurant would not allow him to eat with his teammates,
  • how his dreams of going to college evaporated after one poor football game,
  • the effect that a house fire had on his dreams and the trajectory of his work,
  • how having confidence in his intuition boosted his early career as a firefighter,
  • having the discipline to earn a college degree over ten years of night school,
  • being open to discovering unexpected blessings in disguise,
  • having the courage to turn down a job that simply wanted to fill its minority quotas,
  • how fainting in an airport led to clarity about living a life of service, and
  • what he is learning from raising his young grandsons while in his 70s.



Transcript for ACL 031: Sylvester Neal
Julie Harris

ACL 030: Julie Harris

Julie Harris is a former athlete and executive who found herself confronted with a chilling diagnosis from which she was not expected to live long. Telling her doctor, “I really don’t accept this,” Julie set out on an inspiring journey of self-discovery and healing to move beyond cancer, and now invests her energy helping others as a wellness coach.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Julie shares stories and reflections from her athletic, professional, and health experiences, including:

  • key life lessons that she learned from pushing herself athletically,
  • learning, forgetting, and relearning to pay attention to what her body was telling her,
  • the fine line between pushing oneself to excel and ignoring warning signs,
  • the importance of family-like support structures in both team and individual situations,
  • the balance between the power to create, and the power to “un-create,”
  • her intuition about what she needed to do in order to heal herself,
  • how her health challenges organically provided clarity about the work that she next wanted to do.


Coming soon!


Julie is generously offering a free 30-minute coaching session in January 2014 to A Congruent Life listeners. Email Julie directly if you’d like to take advantage of this – thanks, Julie!

Srini Rao

ACL 029: Srini Rao

Srinivas Rao is the host of the popular BlogcastFM podcast and the author of the recent book, The Art of Being Unmistakable: A Collection of Essays about Making a Dent in the Universe.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Srini shares insights from his personal journey as a podcaster, entrepreneur, and writer, as well as key lessons he has learned from interviewing hundreds of guests on BlogcastFM, including:

  • discovering that he was the common thread in why corporate jobs didn’t work for him,
  • how most significant self-discovery happens during challenges or times of suffering,
  • why only putting one foot outside your comfort zone holds you back,
  • what it means to “make a dent in the universe,”
  • how surfing has been for him a source of presence and living in the moment,
  • that our capacity for dealing with adversity is far greater than we think,
  • the key choice between choosing to play it safe or take risks.



Transcript for ACL 029: Srini Rao
Ken Streater

ACL 028: Ken Streater

Ken Streater is an entrepreneur, adventure guide, and writer who recently wrote a book called The Gift of Courage, sharing inspiring stories of courage and passion.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Ken shares interesting stories and great insights, including:

  • coming to learn that his love of the outdoors could actually be an expression of service,
  • why experiences of common purpose can be effective in building community,
  • how strapping on a life jacket each day became an important symbol for his team,
  • why honoring the bottom line is an important element in doing good,
  • how he unconsciously drifted away from his own authenticity, and how he discovered this,
  • an uncomfortable period of his life that helped him crystallize his sense of purpose,
  • why he embarked on his book project, and some of the important lessons he’s learned from others while writing it.



Transcript for ACL 028: Ken Streater

A Congruent Life is honored to be a sponsor of Evening of Empowerment; I hope that you’ll be able to attend this compelling event in Bend, Oregon on November 5, or in other locations in early 2014.

Don Samuels

ACL 027: Don Samuels

Don Samuels has lived a fascinating multi-faceted life as a toy designer, immigrant, executive, pop singer, public servant, pastor, activist, husband and father. He has deliberately chosen to live in the most challenged urban neighborhoods of the cities he has called home, and has focused on serving and steadily improving his local communities, including the last decade as a council member for the city of Minneapolis (Minnesota, USA).

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Don shares compelling stories from his life journey, including:

  • growing up as a pastor’s son, and tangibly experiencing “being wrong for being poor.”
  • receiving a national chastisement for simply asking uncomfortable questions,
  • tasting fame from recording the #1 pop hit in Jamaica, but deciding that “I don’t want to live off that.”
  • how a poor kid from Jamaica inexplicably found himself with an opportunity to go to college,
  • deciding to immigrate to the United States, despite the obvious social inequities that he observed,
  • why he has always chosen to live in the most “dangerous” neighborhoods,
  • “Politics? Absolutely not!”
  • the brief phone conversation that dramatically changed the trajectory of his life.


Audio Excerpts

Audio excerpts from ACL 027: Don Samuels


Transcript for ACL 027: Don Samuels
Shai Plonski

ACL 026: Shai Plonski

Shai Plonski is a co-founder of the Still Light Centre in Toronto, and a skilled trainer of Thai Massage. In this episode of A Congruent Life, Shai discusses wanting to work with his hands, what he learned from working on a carnival boardwalk, his journey to discover Thai massage, the profound meaning of “meta” in his life, and the remarkable power of compassionate touch.


Coming soon!


Meg Worden

ACL 025: Meg Worden

Meg Worden is a writer and health coach who focuses on enabling personal freedom through her organization called “Feed Me, Darling.” Meg has an amazing story, a part of which includes spending two years in prison for selling Ecstasy tablets during a particularly challenging part of her life, and draws on her insights from that experience in being of service to others.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Meg shares freely about insights from her life journey so far, including reframing experiences, embracing gratitude, and the remarkable way that she has embraced her past in an honest way, without allowing herself to be defined by it.


Coming soon!


Eric Plantenberg

ACL 024: Eric Plantenberg

Eric Plantenberg focuses on enriching the lives of others through his own multi-faceted life. Eric is the co-founder of Freedom Personal Development, has created a retreat called Abundant Living, and is now the “Core Values Ambassador” of Kombucha Mama. And — by the way — he’s also done significant humanitarian work around the world, summitted Mt. Everest from the north, taken a three-year travelling honeymoon with his wife Michelle, and completed the IronMan Triathlon four times.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Eric shares compelling stories and profound reflections from his life journey so far, including:

  • what he learned from a river guide about focusing his energy outward,
  • how embracing his job as a dog treat salesman opened unexpected doors,
  • about starting a long-running business with his friend, by pooling cash in a shoebox,
  • how a professor panned his business plan and advised him to “just go get a job,”
  • the importance and interplay of passion and authenticity in pursing goals,
  • giving yourself permission to live the life that you really want, and what that’s looked like in practice for his own family,
  • honoring intuition and internal wisdom when considering big life transitions,
  • the profound value of “starting with why,”
  • the difference between authenticity and positivity,
  • lessons about passion and persistence learned from climbing Mt. Everest, and
  • how pursuing authenticity requires effort and intentionality.


Transcript for ACL 024: Eric Plantenberg


Julie Dragonfly

ACL 023: Julie Dragonfly

In her youth, Julie Dragonfly turned to alcohol, drugs, and sex looking for courage to be herself in the world. Through some significant experiences, she rediscovered the power of music in her own life, and embraced that as another language for self-healing and being of service to others. Leaving her addictions behind and transforming her engineering career into a path as a yoga teacher and healer, Julie travels around the world doing a project she calls, “Sing As I Am,” sharing the healing power of sound.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Julie shares:

  • how music replaced her addictions as a source of strength and self-confidence,
  • spiritual experiences that led her to see music as another language for connection,
  • what came from her music teacher’s challenge to share her music in train stations,
  • the unexpected gift of a small note dropped in her bag,
  • honoring the pull to share her gifts, “regardless of how I think it sounds,”
  • difficult lessons about intertwining money and self-worth, and
  • the challenge and reward of embracing self and living authentically.


Natalie Sisson

ACL 022: Natalie Sisson

Natalie Sisson is an entrepreneur and traveler who helps others seek freedom by building a location-independent business. She is the host of a website called The Suitcase Entrepreneur and recently published a book by the same name.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Natalie reflects on her own journey as a nomadic entrepreneur, including:

  • recognizing for herself that “you either do this now, or you do this never,”
  • being willing to experience fear head-on in order to move through it,
  • doing the inner work to identify and prioritize her core values, and staying aligned to them,
  • staying connected to people close to her while living a nomadic lifestyle,
  • learning to celebrate both wins and losses,
  • how one’s best work happens when you’re being true to yourself.

Natalie is generously offering free copies of her book, The Suitcase Entrepreneur, to two lucky A Congruent Life listeners. For your chance to win:


Transcript for ACL 022: Natalie Sisson

Links from our conversation

Tess Vigeland

ACL 021: Tess Vigeland

Tess Vigeland is a familiar voice for fans of National Public Radio; she’s been on public radio for over twenty years, and for the last decade she was part of NPR’s popular national Marketplace program, including serving several years as the host of Marketplace Money.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Tess reflects on her experience after presenting at the World Domination Summit in Portland last month, including:

  • leaving her dream job without a safety net (“what the hell are you doing?”)
  • how the WDS audience gave her a gift she’ll never forget,
  • lessons learned from not getting the big job that she was “supposed” to get,
  • discovering that those that she thought were “not my people” actually were,
  • learning how to move her identity from “Marketplace’s Tess Vigeland” to “just Tess,”
  • figuring out how to shift from telling others’ stories to telling her own story,
  • questions about why authentic sharing is so unusual,
  • why she doesn’t really see her upcoming book as “Act Four,” and
  • her ongoing challenging journey of “getting back to remarkable.”


Marinus Koning

ACL 020: Marinus Koning

Marinus Koning is a retired brain surgeon who is now doing some amazing healing work with children in Ethiopia through the non-profit he founded called “Reach Another Foundation.”

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Marinus shares some fascinating stories, including:

  • the impact that his mother’s sacrifice for hungry children during World War II has had on the course of his life,
  • the deeply learned lesson that “if it’s not helping others, it’s not worth doing,”
  • his unique reflections on authenticity that come from having a twin brother,
  • how he was “accidentally” introduced to mysticism as a teen,
  • his experience that the art of living is learning how to recognize and appreciate key moments, and
  • what he learned from drawing blood from a dying man, Ubuntu, inking circles on newspaper, and Winnie the Pooh.



ACL 019: Pamela Slim

Pamela Slim is an inspiring writer and coach supporting personal change and entrepreneurship, and is the author of the bestselling book called Escape from Cubicle Nation.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Pam shares:

  • how traveling the world, studying martial arts, and working in a nonprofit unexpectedly prepared her for entrepreneurship,
  • the fulfillment of supporting others in the hard work of discovering their own path,
  • her learning that “hating your job intensely is not a business plan,”
  • the magic that happens when people take charge of their lives,
  • why she made a conscious choice to prioritize family over book sales and what she wants to model for her kids,
  • the importance of owning both the choice and the consequence, and
  • how a variety of work experiences and modalities are all part of one’s “body of work.”


Rudi Kennard

ACL 018: Rudi Kennard

Rudi Kennard is a well-being and resiliency consultant in the UK who is a facilitator for the “Three Principles.”

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Rudi discusses:

  • pursuing a long-term passion project even though he couldn’t see how it could possibly happen when he began,
  • a surprising approach to reducing crime and working with the incarcerated and ill,
  • making personal sacrifices and the meaning of true financial freedom,
  • letting your heart guide you more than your head, and
  • a fresh paradigm of mental health that is based on health rather than illness.


Jonathan Goldman

ACL 017: Jonathan Goldman

Jonathan Goldman was an acupuncturist in Boston who unexpectedly found himself having a profound transformative experience in a remote Brazilian jungle, and ended up in a protracted legal struggle with the US Government over religious freedom — and won. He now practices “Transformational Energy Healing” in Oregon.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Jonathan talks about his desperate prayer as an eight-year-old boy not to be bored, missing opportunities and the power of affirming what you want, his learning that “people living authentic lives would have never predicted what their lives would look like,” ensuring that you’re not following someone else’s plan, and fear and faith being two ends of the same cord.



ACL 016: Charley Johnson

Charley Johnson was a successful executive and entrepreneur who was inspired to make a drastic career change and create the global “Pay It Forward” Experience after reading the book and watching the movie of the same name.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Charley talks about the warning signs he experienced when “living for Fridays,” being propelled by the urge to keep moving forward, wanting to make today better than yesterday, being inspired by building something massive, and learning about personal authenticity from oneself rather than others.



ACL 015: Karen Kenney

Karen Kenney is a yoga teacher, mentor, writer, TV show host, and entrepreneur. After her mother was tragically murdered when she was only 12 years old, Karen found herself on a long and challenging quest for forgiveness, healing, and finding her own place in the world.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Karen talks about masking the pain of her mother’s death, her difficult journey to forgive and make sense of her experience, the value of mentors (Marianne Williamson for her), being defined by labels, doing the work that your heart pulls you to, and removing the barriers to love in your life.


Josh Kaufman

ACL 014: Josh Kaufman

Josh Kaufman is a bestselling author (The Personal MBA, The First 20 Hours) who teaches people how to master practical knowledge and skills.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Josh talks about his transition from a Fortune 100 company to his work as a researcher and author, shares his journey toward self-empowered education (rather than spending huge money on business school tuition), reflects on developing expertise and confidence without having “traditional” credentials or authority, and discusses the psychological and intellectual principles of rapid skill acquisition.


Mike Bodkin

ACL 013: Mike Bodkin

Mike Bodkin is a wilderness guide and Executive Director of a non-profit organization called Rites of Passage.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Mike shares about building something as “a love affair” despite the financial challenges, separating making a living from giving your deepest gifts, being part of the cycle of nature, the value of doing big things together, and tells a story about how “it’s not what you do, but what you don’t do that kills you.”


AJ Leon

ACL 012: AJ Leon

AJ Leon used to be an “unremarkably average” financial executive in Manhattan, and in a stunning moment of clarity, decided to “stop, once and for all, living some other dude’s life.” In partnership with his wife Melissa, AJ reinvented a multi-faceted nomadic life as a writer, designer, entrepreneur, and humanitarian in a quest to change the world.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, AJ shares the story of walking out of his office four days before his wedding, why he cancelled a book contract with a big publisher, reflections on traveling and working with his life partner, tales from a unique “MisfitConf” event in Fargo, and a “Good Misfit” humanitarian project to build a windmill in Africa.


Alana Levandoski

ACL 011: Alana Levandoski

Alana Levandoski is a singer, songwriter, and author who discovered that life as a professional recording artist left her unhappy and unfulfilled. Feeling “betrayed by music,” Alana left that world behind and embarked on a musical pilgrimage to heal and to rediscover herself, writing a book and an album called I Am a Sparrow about that journey.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Alana shares the title track from I am a Sparrow, and talks about basing her identity on the expectations of others, how she coped with the pressure of being a star, her road trip to “fall back in love with music,” and the power of old stories for healing.



Alana’s Music

Pat Flynn

ACL 010: Pat Flynn (Smart Passive Income)

Pat Flynn is the host of the very popular Smart Passive Income podcast and website. Pat worked hard in his chosen discipline of architecture and did everything “right,” but discovered that one day he didn’t have a job any more – and then reinvented his life to be of service in a different way. Pat recently published a memoir called Let Go to tell his story.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Pat talks about coping with an unexpected change in his professional life, reinventing his work to be of service in a new arena, the business value of transparency, the value of telling our stories, and being congruent between his online personality and the “real Pat.”


Alison Elsberry

ACL 009: Alison Elsberry

Alison Elsberry is an expert at supporting mothers to empower their spiritually-gifted children. Coming from a more-traditional health care background, over time Alison has recalibrated her work to be more congruent with what she feels called to do in the world.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Alison talks about honoring the unique gifts of others, personal insights she learned from working in the health care system, redefining failure and success, being ready for “something wonderful” that lies ahead, and her journey to uncover and live into her authentic self.


Joel Blunk

ACL 008: Joel Blunk

Joel Blunk is a musician, storyteller, and pastor who followed his childhood ambition to play professional football and had an opportunity to play in the NFL, only to find that his journey took an unexpected turn.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Joel shares some unique perspectives on authenticity, discussing his career as a collegiate and professional athlete and coach, lessons he learned from missed opportunities, the role of music and the power of story, and using personal talents for something beyond self.


Dan Andrews headshot.png

ACL 007: Dan Andrews (Tropical MBA)

Dan Andrews is the co-host of the very popular Lifestyle Business Podcast and Tropical MBA. Dan managed to get off the typical entry-level career track, and successfully re-invented his life as a location-independent entrepreneur living mostly in Southeast Asia.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Dan talks about his journey from “career” to entrepreneur, building businesses that matter, synergies that come from working with people sharing similar values, social media and podcasting, and finding your own authentic story.


Bernie Glassman wide 250

ACL 006: Bernie Glassman (Zen Peacemakers)

Bernie Glassman is well-known throughout the world as a pioneer in socially-engaged Buddhism and founder of the Zen Peacemakers. He also co-wrote a book called The Dude and the Zen Master with academy-award winning actor Jeff Bridges.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Bernie discusses the role of social engagement in Zen, holding opinions rather than truths, the impact of street retreats in New York City, healing work at Auschwitz, Rwanda, and Israel, and his relationship with Jeff Bridges.

Bernie’s books


Joe Reilly

ACL 005: Joe Reilly

Joe Reilly is a singer, songwriter, and educator who invites us to heal relationships, bring people together, and build community though his joyful and playful music.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Joe shares the physical and spiritual journey behind his latest album, Greyhound Bus Tour, when he crossed the United States by bus to play in locations ranging from subway stations to the White House.  In addition to sharing a track from the album and talking about the story behind it, we also discuss how Joe dealt with fear, what he learned from “failure,” and the roots and aspirations for his music.

Joe’s Music


Timber Hawkeye

ACL 004: Timber Hawkeye (Buddhist Boot Camp)

Timber Hawkeye offers a non-sectarian approach to being at peace with the world, and wrote a popular book titled Buddhist Boot Camp to make Buddhist principles simple and accessible.  In this A Congruent Life conversation, Timber talks about the evolution of the book and the corresponding online community.


Now on iTunes Store, BlackBerry

A Congruent Life is now available on the iTunes Store and the BlackBerry podcast catalog.

You can listen to the A Congruent Life podcast on your iOS device (iPhone, iPad, iPod), or through iTunes on Mac OS or Windows, here:

You can listen to the A Congruent Life podcast on your BlackBerry smartphone here:

If you enjoy the show, won’t you please consider leaving a review in iTunes? iTunes is one of the best ways for programs like A Congruent Life to be discovered by new listeners. Just follow this link to the iTunes Store, and click on “Leave a Review.” Thanks so much!

Welcome to A Congruent Life!

Thank you for your support of A Congruent Life, an interview project sharing inspirational stories of authenticity and happiness.

I’m proud to announce that the A Congruent Life podcast is now available!

To kick things off and celebrate the launch, this week we’re sharing three great conversations:

  • Brian Doyle, a “storycatcher” and award-winning author who shares his reflections about the power of story, humor, and joy, and tells of a surprise casual encounter he had with the Dalai Lama.
  • Christi Bruchok and Tauru Chaw, who are riding a tandem bicycle 16,000 miles from the southern tip of Argentina to the northern tip of Alaska — and just happen to be legally blind.
  • Christine Valters Paintner, an online Abbess, writer, and contemplative who challenges us to ‘receive images’ instead of ‘take pictures,’ and shares profoundly about ‘following the thread,’ pilgrimage, and vulnerability.

Starting next week, we’ll share a new conversation each Wednesday. We have an exciting lineup of interviews ahead! Some of the inspiring people we’ll soon meet include:

  • Bernie Glassman, a world-renowned pioneer in the American Zen movement and founder of the Zen Peacemakers who is serving in socially-engaged projects around the world, and recently co-authored The Dude and the Zen Master with Jeff Bridges.
  • Joe Reilly, a singer, songwriter, and educator who invites us to heal relationships, bring people together, and build community though his joyful and playful music.
  • Timber Hawkeye, who offers a non-sectarian approach to being at peace with the world, and wrote a popular book titled Buddhist Boot Camp to make Buddhist principles simple and accessible.
  • Joel Blunk, a musician, storyteller, and pastor who followed his childhood ambition to play professional football and had an opportunity to play in the NFL, only to find that his journey took an unexpected turn.
  • Julie Dragonfly, who made a conscious break from addictive patterns in her life and is now traveling around the world to share the healing power of sound on a tour called “Sing as I am.”

…and many more to come!

Listening to the Podcast

You can listen to these conversations directly on the website at You can also download episodes for listening any time on a variety of phones and other devices:

  • Coming soon: A Congruent Life will be available in a variety of podcast directories, such as the iTunes store, Stitcher Radio, Zune, and Blackberry.

(Need help accessing the shows? We plan to add detailed guides on the website, but in the meantime, feel free to send me an email and I’ll do my best to help.)

Share the Word

Please help share the word about A Congruent Life:

  • Please tell your friends and family, and invite them to join the email list through the box on the right. (This list will only be used for occasional communications about what’s going on with A Congruent Life and will not be shared.)

Your Feedback, Please

I’d love to hear your thoughts about the show – both good and bad. What are your ideas for improving the podcast and the website, and what guests would you like to hear in future conversations? Please let me know by email at ten.e1739097006filtn1739097006eurgn1739097006oca@k1739097006cabde1739097006ef1739097006.

Again, thank you so much for supporting A Congruent Life – I look forward to sharing this journey ahead with you!

Christine Paintner 250

ACL 003: Christine Valters Paintner (Abbey of the Arts)

Christine Valters Paintner is a writer, contemplative, and the online Abbess of Abbey of the Arts.  In her latest book, Eyes of the Heart, she challenges us to ‘receive images’ instead of ‘take pictures.’

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Christine shares profoundly about ‘following the thread,’ pilgrimage, and vulnerability.

Christine’s books


Brian Doyle

ACL 001: Brian Doyle

Brian Doyle is a “storycatcher,” the editor of Portland Magazine, and award-winning author of thirteen books spanning many genres, including the award-winning novel Mink River and story collections named Grace Notes and Bin Laden’s Bald Spot.

In this episode of A Congruent Life, Brian shares his reflections about the power of story, humor, and joy, and tells of a surprise casual encounter he had with the Dalai Lama.

Some of Brian’s Books
